Here begynneth the boke of keruynge and servynge and all the feestes in the
yere for the servyce of a prince of only other estate as ye shall finde
eche offyce the servyce accordiynge in this boke folowynge.
Baeke the dere
lesche y brawne
rere that goose
lyste that swanne
sauce that capon
spoyle that henne
fruche that chekyn
babrace that malarde
bnlace that conye
dysmembre that heron
displaye that crane
disfygure that pecocke
baioynt that bytture
batache that cuclewe
alaye that felande
wynge that partryche
wynge that quayle
niynce that plouer
thye that pygyon
border that pauy
thye that woodcocke
thye all maner small byrdes
tymbre that fyre
tyere that egge
chynne that samon
strynge that lampraye
spatre that pyke
sauce that place
sauce that tenche
splaye that breme
side that haddocke
tuske that berbell
culpon that troute
syne that cheuen
trallene that ele
traunche that sturgyon
baderttraunche that purpos
tayme that crabbe
barbe that lobster
Here begynneth Butteler and Panter
Reed wyne
whyte wyne
claret wyne
renysshe wyne maluesy
tyerre romney
bernage wyne cut
pymente and
Take gynger, peper, graynes, canell, synamon, suger and tornsole, than loke ye have fyve or syxe bagges for Hypocras to renne in & perche that your renners may hange on, than must ye have by peautre basyns to stande under your bagges than loke youre spyce be redy & your gynger well pared or it be beten to poudre, than loke your stalkes of synamon be well coloured & swete canell is not too gentyll in operacyon synamon is hote and drye, graynes of paradico ben hote and moste, gynger, graynes, longe peper and suger ben hote and drye, tornsole is holsome, for reed wyne colourynge. Now knowe ye the proporcyons of your hypocras. than bete your pouders eche by them selfe & put theym in bladders & hange your bagges sure that no bagge touche other, but let eche basyn touch other let the first basyn be of a galon and eche of the other of a potell, then put in your basyn a galon of reed wyne put them into the firste bagge and let it renne, then put them in to the second bagge, then take a pece in your honde and assaye if it be stronge of gynger, and alaye it with synamon, and it be stronge of synamom, alaye it with sugar, and loke ye lette it renne thrughe five renners & your hypocras shall be the gynger, than put your hypocras in to a close vessell and kepe the receyte, for it wyll server for fewes, than serve your soverayne with wafers and hypocras. Also loke your composte be fayre and clene, and your ale five days olde or men drynke it, than kepe your house of offyce clene & be curtoys of answere to eche persone, and loke ye gyve no person noo powsed drynke, for it wyll breke the scabbe. And when ye laye the clothe wyne the borde clene with a cloute, than laye a cloth a couche it is called, take your felowe that one ende & holde you that other ende, than drawe the cloth strayght the bought on the btter edge, take the btter parte & hange it even, than take the thyrde cloth and laye the bought on the inner edge, and lay estat with the upper parte halfe a foot brode, than cover thy cupbourde and thyne ewery with the towell of dyaper, than take they towell aboute they necke and laye that one syde of the towell upon thy left arme, and there on laye your soveraynes napkyn, and laye them thyne arme seven loveds of brede with thre or foure trenchour loves with the ende of the towell in the lefte honde as the maner is, than take thy salte seller in they lefte honde and take the ende of the towell in your ryght honde to bere in spones and knyves, than let your salte on the ryght syde where your soverayne shall sytte and on the lefte syde the salte set your trenchours, than laye your knyves and let your brede on lofe by an other, your spones and your napkyns fayre folden before your brede, than cover your brede and trenchourse spones and knyves and at every ende of the table let a salte seller with two trenchour loves. & yf ye will wrappe youre soveraynes brede stately ye juste square and proporcyon youre brede and se that no lofe be more than an other, and than shall ye make your wrappet manly, than take a towell of reynes of two perdes and a halfe and take the towell by the endes double and laye it on theh table, than take the ende of the bought a handfull in your honde and wrappe it harde and laye the ende soo wrapped bytwene two towelles upon that ende so wrapped laye your brede botom to botom syxy or seven loves, than set your brede manerly in fourme, and whan your soveraynes sable is thus arayed cover all other bordes wyth salte trencheoures & cuppes. Also se thyne ewery be arayed with basyns & ewers & water hote and colde and se ye have napkyns cuppes & spones & se your pottes for wyne and ale bemade clene and to the surnape make ye curtely with a clothe under a fayre double ary, than take the towelles ende next you & btter ende of the cloth on the btter syde of the table and holde these thre endes atones and folde them atones that a plyte passe not a foote brode, than laye it even there it sholde lye. And after mete wasshe with that that is at the ryghte ende of the table, ye muste guyde it out & the marshall muste convey it, and loke on eche clothe the ryght, than must ye reyle the upper pare of the towell and laye it without on gronynge, and at every ende of the towell ye must convey halfe a halfe a yerde that the fewer may make estate revecently and lette it be. And whan you soverayne hath wasshen drawe the surnape even, than here the surnape to the myddes of the borde & take it up before youre soverayne & here let it by the salte & laye your napkyn knyfe & spone afore hym, than knele on your knee tyll the purpayne passe eyght loves & loke ye set at the endes of the table foure loves at a melle, and se that every persone have napkyn and spone and wayte well to the fewer how many dysshes be covered and soo many cuppes cover ye, than serveye forth the table manerly that every man may speke you curtely.