Links Around the Web

These are some links to pages that we have found useful for one reason or another. Clicking on these links will take you away from these pages. Make sure you bookmark our pages so you can come back to see us!

Parenting Resources

Mothering Magazine's Website. This is a wonderful "crunchy" place for granola moms! (That's a compliment!)
La Leche League International - Need breastfeeding information? Here's where to get it!
Dr. Sear's Website. A leader in attachment parenting. Great information about brestfeeding and advocacy!
Get Attached! Great website about Attachment Parenting!
Pregnancy Today - if you are pregnant this is a great place to learn about pregnancy, breastfeeding, and to find a monthly due date e-mail list!

Hobby Links

d'Marie's online Scrapbooking Catalog! Not just shopping either. There is a wonderful layout gallery!
Stampin' Up! I love these stamps. Wish I could own all of them.
Kim Stamps. A wonderful gallery of cards and other artwork using Stampin' Up stamp sets!
Graceful Bee. A great site for learning the basics of scrapbooking. Has an archived tutorial with lots of helpful information! Model Railroading enthusiasm.
Walther's Online Catalog. If it is made for model railroading, chances are you can find it here!

Kid Websites!
PBS Kids. Find Zoom, Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, and all your other PBS friends here
Nick Jr. This is where Dora, Blue, Franklin, Little Bear, and Kipper are on the Web!
And for those that have outgrown Nick Jr. Get your slime here.
Cartoon Network (I was forced to put this one here!

Just 'Cause and Friends' Websites

Cool 107! Our favorite Oldies Station
Weight Watchers. These people are saving my life!

Well that is all I can come up with for now. I'll be adding to these as time goes on. Look for updates periodically! Yes; I know that there is a small mess up there where the background is repeating. I have no idea why. If anyone has an answer for my I'd love to hear it. Just click on the e-mail button below.