The Chaumberlayne
The chaumberlayne muste be dylygent & clenely
in his offyce with his heed kembed & soo to his
soverayne that he be not rechles and se that he have a clene
sherte breche petycote and doublet, than brusshe
his holen within & without and se his shone & slyppers be
made clene, & at morne when your soverayne wyll
arle warme his sherte by the gyre & se he have a foot shete
made in this maner. First set a shayre by the fyre
with a quysshen an other under his fete, than sprede
a shete over the dhayre & se there be redy a kerchefe
and a combe, than warme his peticote his doublet and his
stomchere & put on his hosen & his shone or slyppers than
stryke up his hosen manerly & tye them
up than lase his doublet hole by hole & laye the clothe a bouthe
his necke & kembe his heed, than loke ye have a
basyn & an ewere with warme water and a towell and
wasshe his hondes, than knele upon you knee & aske
you soverayne what robe he wyll were & brynge hym such
as your soverayne comandeth & put it upon him tha doo
his gyrdell about hym & take your leve manerly & go to the
chyrche or chapell to your soveraynes
closet & laye carpettes & quysshens & lay downe his boke of prayers,
than drawe the curtynes and take your leve goodly & go to your
soveraynes chambre & cast all
the clothes of his bedde & bete the federbedde & the bolster, but
loke ye waast no feders than shake the blankettes
& fetche shetes be fayre & swete or elles loke ye have clene shetes,
than make up his bedde manerly than l ay
the heed shete & the pyllowes, than take up the towel & the basyn
& laye carpettes about the bedde or wyndowes & cupbordes layde
with carpettes and quysshens.
Also loke there be a good fyre brennynge bryght, & se the hous of
element be swete & clene & the prevy borde
covered with a grene cloth & a quysshen, than se there be blanket donne or
cotton for your soverayne, a loke ye have basyn & evere
with water or a towel for you
soverayne, than take of his gowne, a brynge hym a mantell to kepe hym
fro colde, than brynge hym to the gyre
& take of his shone & his hosen than take a fyne kerchet of reynes &
kembe his heed & put on his kerchet & his
bonet, than sprede downe his bedde laye the heed shete
and the pyllowes, & whan you soverayne is to bedde
drawe the curtynes, than se there be morter of ware
or perchoures be redy, than dryve out dogge or catte & loke there be basyn
and brynall set nere your soverayne, than take your leve manerly that your
soverayne may take his rest meryly.
Here endeth of the chaumberlayne.