Here foloweth of the Marshall and the ussher.

the Marshall and the usshere muste knowe all the estates of the chyrche and the hyghe estate of the kynge with the blode royall.

The estate of a Pope hath no pere

The estate of an Emperour is nexte

The estate of kynge

The estate of a cardynall

The estate of a kynges sone a prynce

The estate of an archebysshop

The estate of a duke

The estate of a bysshop

The estate of a Marques

The estate of an erle

The estate of a vycount

The estate of a baron

The estate of an abbot with a myter

The estate of the thre chefe Juges and the mayre of London.

The estate of an abbot without a myter

The estate of a knyght bacheler

The estate of pryour dene archedeken or knyght

The estate of of the mayster of the rolles

The estate of other Justyces & barons of the cheker

The estate of the mayre of Calays

The estate of a provyncyall a doctour dyvyne

The estate of a prothonate is above the popes collectour and a doctour of both lawes

The estate of hym that hath ben mayre of London and servaunt of the lawe.

The estate of a mayster of the chauncery and other worshypfull prechours of pardon and clerkes that ben gradewabel, & all other ordres of shastyte persones and preestes worshypfull marchautes & gentylmen all these may syt at the squyers table.

In archebysshop and a duke may not kepe the hall but eche estate by them selfe in chaumbre or in bauylyon that nother se other.

Bysshoppes Marques Erles & Vycountes all these may syt two a messe.

A baron & the mayre of London & thre chefe Juges and the speker of the parlyamnet & and abbot with a myter all these may syt two or thre at a messe

And al other estates may syt thre or foure at a messe

Also the Marshall muste understonde and knowe the blode royall for some lorde is of blode royall and of small lyvelode. And a lady of lower degree shall kepe the estate of her lordes blode, and therefore the royal blode shal have the reverences as I have shewed you here before.

Also the Marshall muste take hede of the byrthe and nexte of the lyne of the blode royall.

Also he must take hede of the kynges offycers of the Chaunceler Stewarde Chamberlayne Tresourer and Controller.

Also the Marshall must take hede unto straungers & put them to worshyp & reverence for & they have good chere it is your soveraynes honour.

Also a Marshall muste take hede yf the kynge sende to your soverayne ony message and yf he sende a knyght receyve hym as a baron, and yf he sende a squyere receyve hym as a knyght, and yf he sende a yeman receyve hym as a squyer, and yf he sende a grome receyve hym as a yeman.

Aslo it is noo rebuke to a knyght to sette a grome of the kynge at his table.

Here endeth the boke of servyce and kervynge and servynge and all maner of offyce in his kynde unto a prynce or ony other estate and all the feestes in the yere. Enprynted by Wynkyn de Worde at London in the Fletestrete at the sygne of the sonne. The year of our lorde. M.CCCCC,viii.